
Retainers Vs Ad Hoc:
Let’s not beat around the bush, everyone loves a retainer, it shows real conviction, sets a positive tone and lays the foundation blocks for a mutually beneficial, 2-way relationship.

Whilst we’ve worked on various short-term, ‘get over-the-line’ projects, you’ll see that as a broad 'rule of fin' our client list is dominated by brands we’ve worked with for significant time frames.

Whichever pathway you choose, ‘everyday affordable’ price points sits at the very heart of our small fish DNA. Of course we need to earn a crust, after all we harbour ‘polite’ growth ambitions of our own. That said, our over-riding priority is creating a level-playing field that enables ambitious underdogs of tomorrow to constantly and consistently outmanoeuvre their bland, over-confident or idle corporate peers.

Remember we’re a Purple Pilchard, not a shark!